9 of the kits |
the most amazing thing just happened and i thought it would make a perfect blog post. Black Beauty had her kits three days ago and i counted ten, ya that's right TEN. i couldn't of been happier. i decided to bring the nest box in the house so i could check on the kits and take some photos. no matter how many times i counted though i kept getting nine. my mind starting racing, maybe i miscounted the first time, maybe she ate one, but that's not like her to do that so i didn't want to think about that option. i convinced myself i miscounted and went to take the box back out to momma. as i was putting the box in i saw it. a baby bunny on the bottom of the cage with it's legs stuck in through the holes in the wires. once again my mind started racing, oh my God, what do i do. so i picked it up and it was stone cold. i started crying(yes i am very emotional) it looked so perfect just laying in my hands. i looked real close but there was no movement, no breathing, no heartbeat, no nothing and as i mentioned before very cold. i knew it hadn't been there all day because i checked on them several times but he is black and i might of overlooked him. i started rubbing him, breathing on him, giving him little baby bunny cpr, anything i could think of. i called my husband and told him i lost a baby. i even started walking toward the shovel since i knew i would have to bury him. all of a sudden his foot kicked! i must of moved it i thought or maybe it was just nerves. but when i looked real close again this rabbit was breathing, barely, but definetly doing something. i ran inside and must of walked around my kitchen three times thinking of what i could do to warm him up. i called my mom and she brought down a heating pad and i held him on the heating pad for 15-20 minutes and he started squeaking and moving around. i saved his life, i am still baffeled by the whole thing. once i felt he was warm enough i placed him back in his nest so his brothers and sisters could warm him up. i am assuming that he was still eating when momma jumped out because even though they move i don't think enough yet to get out of the nest box. so a little miracle happened at my house this afternoon and i thank God for watching over my little bunnies and giving me the knowledge to help one of them out.
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